Bitget USDD Quiz Answers Today – Play bitget challenge accepted 2 usdd quiz contest and earn free $5 USDD Token, BITGET USDD token quiz answers, Bitget usdd quiz, bitget learn and earn usdd token quiz
Bitget USDD Quiz Answers |
Bitget USDD Quiz Answers : Learn & Earn $5 Ussd Token
Q1. Which currency is USDD pegged to?
Answer: USD
Q2. How does USDD maintain stability?
Answer: Relying on decentralized price oracle
Q3. Which statement is NOT TRUE about TRON’s Super Representatives?
Answer: Absorbs votlatility of USDD price
Q4. What does TRON’s Super Representatives get from stabilizing USDD price?
Answer: Fee incomes from stablecoin swaps and TRX-stablecoin swaps
Q5. Which token is used to combat short-term price fluctuations?
Answer: TRON’s native token TRX